Photos related to our activities
This page shows photos of the committees from 2011 onwards and some other ones of interest. You may contact the current caretaker Jan Bylstra on Telephone 03 - 9807 3170 or
Jan, Gerda and Richard Kurth, Director Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, donating to the Willem van Otterloo Memorial Fund in Oct 2022:
The last Committee, Hans, Jan, Gerda, David and Rob (photo Sept 2022):
Hans and Rob manning our stall at the 2014 Holland Festival:
Thecommittee at the 2013 Holland Festival (Keith second from left and Henk on right):
Keith and Rob manning our stall at the 2012 Holland Festival:
Jan and Henk at the opening of the Feb 2012 'Niels " Shoe" Meulmans Upside Down Tour' (Niels is centre with one of his paintings in the background).