Overview of some of the Guest Speakers in Previous Years
- Tim Krabbé (Author): An evening with Tim Krabbé
- Adriaan van Dis (Author): An evening with Adriaan van Dis
- Prof Ad Borsboom: "The clan of the Wild Honey" Aborigines in Arnhem land"
- Prof Merle Ricklefs: " Creating Indonesia? The Dutch in the Indies 1800-1930"
- Fleur Bourgonje (Author): "An evening with Fleur Bourgonje"
- Prof Martin Veltman: (Nobel prize winner physics 1999) "Journey into the Sub-Atomic World"
- Laury Benson: "National Gallery redevelopment Dutch/ Flemish rooms"
- Prof Frank Bovenkerk: "Recent Events and immigration to the Netherlands"
- Bart van Oort: Piano recital, works of Haydn, Fodor and Mozart
- F Springer (Author): "Journey with F Springer"
- Marco Van Pagee (conductor Geminiani Orchestra): "Import, Export, a Music Perspective"
- Jan Brokken (Author): "Readings from the Rainbird. A central African Journey"
- Kader Abdolah (Author): "An evening with Kader Abdolah"
- Bob Kaper (bandleader DSCB): "History of the Dutch Swing College band"
- H.E. Patrick Renault, Ambassador of Belgium: "How
the Belgians see the Dutch" - H.E. Mrs Annemieke Ruigrok, Ambassador of the Netherlands. "The Dutch mission in Australia and reflections on my recent posting in Indonesia".
- Anouk van Dijk, Artistic director Chunky Move. "The Dutch Dance Connection: Erasmus meets Anouk van Dijk"
- Prof Hans Clevers: "Stem Cells, Cancer and Living forever".
- Prof Andrea Maier: "Forever Young"
- H.E. Mrs Erica Schouten, Ambassador of the Netherlands. "Australia and the Netherlands: like-minded but not always alike"
Overview of Exhibitions and other activities in previous years
- "Dutch Film Day", Yearly in April since 2012. Screening of selected Dutch films in the ACMI cinemas. In 2018: "Accused (Lucia de B.)" and "A Real Vermeer". In 2019: "M.C. Escher: Journey to Infinity (Escher: Het Oneindige Zoeken)". In 2022: "The Judgment (De Veroordeling)".
- "Global Challenges | Dutch Solutions", TEDxBinnenhof in Melbourne, in co-operation with the Dutch Embassy in Canberra. Video of presentations held in the Ridderzaal , the Hague.
- "Catwalk for Dutch Innovation", TEDxBinnenhof in Melbourne, joint event with the Dutch Embassy in Canberra and the NCCA. Video of presentations held in the Hague.
- "The Rembrandt Connection": exhibition of Dutch/Australian artists in the Malthouse.
- Bonegilla Exhibition "Where Waters Meet"- at the "Old Treasury Building".
- "The Other Dutch, preserving the disappearing", exhibition with the "Tempo Doeloe Society" in the Immigration Museum, Melbourne.
- "The Second Landing": exhibition of Dutch migrant artists in the National Gallery of Victoria.
- "Innocence", Film night with director Paul Cox.
- "The Old Man Who Read Love Stories", Film night with director Rolf de Heer.
- Showing of Dutch films in the Dutch Club Abel Tasman: "The Discovery of Heaven", "Soldaat van Oranje", "Karakter", "Jackie", "Sonny Boy", "Gooische Vrouwen", 'Michiel de Ruyter".
- Publishing of book "Bonegilla: where waters meet- The Dutch Migrant Experience in Australia"(for info contact the author Marijke Eysbertse).