Links to Dutch Sites
In Australia
- 3ZZZ Dutch Broadcast - 92.3FM
- Dutch TV
- Dutch Courier
- SBS Dutch Programmes - SBS Radio2 (Melb 93.1FM)
- SBS Schedules - Dutch News on SBS World Watch (Ch 35) at 12:30 pm Mo-Sa
- SBS Nederlands (info in Dutch)
Clubs/ Organisations
- Belgian Club Victoria
- Dutch Australian (Sydney)
- Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
- Dutch Club Abel Tasman
- Dutch Club Abel Tasman-Facebook Page
- Dutch in Ballarat and Surrounds
- Dutch Expats in Melbourne
- Dutchlink (Sydney based)
- Netherlands Chamber of Commerce Australia
- Melbourne Tukkers - Dutch Folk Dance
- ZING! Sing in Dutch
- Continental European Grocery Store (Croydon)
- Dutch Australian Blog (Brisbane based)
- Dutch Australian Cultural Centre (Sydney based)
- Dutch Consulate Sydney (02 8305 6800, 24/7 hrs)
- Dutch Passports
- Holland Festival
- It's All Dutch to me- Dutch Food Online (Moorabbin)
- Melbourne Conservatorium of Music - Events
- MiCare (Retirement Living)
- Netherlands embassy
- Outlook Gardens (Christian retirement village)
- Requesting a DigiD
- Dutch Ambassadors in Australia
- Dutch Australians at a Glance (DAAAG)
Dutch Language Classes in Melbourne
- De Leesplank (Brighton)
- De Pelikaan (Newport)
- Dutch Playgroup Melbourne (Port Melbourne)
- Victorian School of Languages (Box Hill & Altona North)
- Centre for Adult Education (Flinders Lane)
- Dutch Club Abel Tasman (Carnegie)
- Dutch for Adults (Camberwell)
- Learn to speak Dutch online
Artists of Dutch Descent in Victoria
- Adrian Mauriks- sculptures
- Alfred Calkoen - paintings
- Alieska Manintveld - large paintings
- Annemieke Mein - textiles
- Dineke McLean - textures
- Frank Mutsaers - paintings
- Jan Hendrik Scheltema - paintings
- Jean Orval - stained glass
- Nel ten Wolde - paintings
- Nick Van Dalen - paintings
- Peter Schipperheyn- sculptures
- Petra Reece - paintings
- Petrus Spronk - ceramics
- Rein Slagmolen - paintings
- Rob Knottenbelt - glass sculptures
- Theo Strasser - paintings
- Wim Kortland - paintings
Information Sites In The Netherlands
- Dictionary of the Dutch Language (on-line)
- Digitale Bibliotheek Nederlandse Letteren
- Dutch newspapers
- Dutch Songs
- Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies (Rotterdam)
- History of the Netherlands in WWII (Loe de Jong)
- Holland Holiday videos
- Insitute for Dutch Language
- Nederlandse Vereniging
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Royal Dutch Touring Club (ANWB)
- Rijksmuseum Virtual Tour
- Sociale Verzekerings Bank (AOW)
- Tourism Board